
This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32333399 places and counting. Learn more about Wikimapia and cityguides.


German city in the western part of the Ruhr Area in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Recent city comments:

  • Student accomodation, mehrnaz (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    how far is the hall from the university?where is the nearest bahn?
  • Student accomodation, mehrnaz (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    hey guys.i'm new to duisburg uni.can anyone post some pics of the heinrich lersch residence hall?the rooms?how is the dorm?
  • Saroj Kumar Chamarthy, Saroj Kumar Chamarthy (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
  • Schauinsland-Reisen-Arena, ipachero wrote 14 years ago:
    арийский стадион, чёткий!
Duisburg on the map.

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